Once you are logged into your health system and you have selected a covered entity to review claims for, you will see a list of claims that are available to review.
Each row designates a claim that needs to be reviewed. Begin by reviewing each claim and determine if it corresponds with a 340B drug dispensation. Once you have made a determination, select a response from the drop down options under the column titled “340B Drug Dispensed?”
When selecting a response, please refer to your system of record to identify the status of that claim. If you are unable to find the claim in your system or have a response that isn’t a “yes” or “no”, there are claims response options that will allow you to indicate that.
Please refer to our additional documentation for extra help navigating through the claims review process:
- The “Field Definitions in the Kalderos Discount Hub” guide provides definitions for each of the column headers in the claims review portal.
- The “Selecting the appropriate claims response” guide clarifies the various claims response options.
- The “Finding Medical Claims within your System” guide helps users who may have trouble locating medical claims across their system.