There are a handful of reasons why you may be required to authenticate again to access your Kalderos account, even after checking the ‘remember my device’ option. These include:
- You cleared your browser’s data (e.g., cookies) or don’t allow cookies in your browser. Checking the ‘remember this device for 30 days’ box sets a local cookie. If you don’t allow cookies or cleared them from your browser, you’ll be asked to authenticate again.
- Something changed regarding how you access your Kalderos account (e.g., signing in from a different location, or a different time of day). Auth0 has security algorithms in place that will prompt users to authenticate again if it detects a change in activity.
- You haven’t accessed your Kalderos account in 7 days. Auth0 it also has a 7 day inactivity expiration, which may require you to authenticate if you go long stretches between accessing your Kalderos account.