Edit Profile
In order to edit your profile information, you can click on your initials in the top-right corner of the screen at any time, and it will pop out your account sidebar.
Then, click “Profile Settings”, which will show your profile information.
To edit the profile information, click on the “Edit Profile” button.
This will show the Edit User Profile dialog.
Here, the you can update your profile information as needed.
Once the desired fields have been updated, click the “Save” button to save the changes.
Team Management
Another way that you can update your profile information is from the Team Management Users list.
Within the Team Management Users list, you can click on your CE User information to expand the row. In the expanded row, an “Edit” button will appear.
Once clicked, the “Edit” button will bring up the Edit User Profile modal. Here, the you can update your profile information as needed.
Once the desired fields have been updated, click the “Save” button to save the changes.
A message will appear at the bottom right indicating as such.